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A number of photovoltaic companies last year, a substantial increase in performance

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According to Wind statistics, as of February 6, 31 of the 36 listed companies covered by the-share photovoltaic power generation concept sector have issued 2016 annual performance forecasts. Among them, the proportion of companies with good performance is as high as 80% (14 in advance, 2 in continuation, 7 in slight increase, 2 in turn). Analysts pointed out that in 2016, photovoltaic power generation twice set off a rush to install, making the development of the industry exceed market expectations; at the same time, the upgrading of new technologies and processes has reduced costs and significantly increased gross profit margin compared with the same period last year.

A number of photovoltaic companies last year, a substantial increase in performance

According to Wind statistics, as of February 6, 31 of the 36 listed companies covered by the-share photovoltaic power generation concept sector have issued 2016 annual performance forecasts. Among them, the proportion of companies with good performance is as high as 80% (14 in advance, 2 in continuation, 7 in slight increase, 2 in turn). Analysts pointed out that in 2016, photovoltaic power generation twice set off a rush to install, making the development of the industry exceed market expectations; at the same time, the upgrading of new technologies and processes has reduced costs and significantly increased gross profit margin compared with the same period last year.

Rapid growth in product sales

Wind data shows that among the above-mentioned companies, 13 companies are expected to have a net profit change of more than 100, and 5 companies have a net profit change of 50%-100. On the whole, the companies with significant pre-increase in performance are mostly related to the rapid growth of photovoltaic product sales. At the same time, the upgrading of new technologies has improved profitability, reduced costs, and increased gross profit margin.

Taking Longji shares as an example, the company expects that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2016 will be 1.4 billion -1.6 billion yuan, an increase of 169 to 208 percent over the same period last year. During the reporting period, benefiting from the increase in demand for high-efficiency single crystal products, the company's main products solar modules and silicon wafers sales increased rapidly, and operating income increased significantly. At the same time, the effect of technical process improvement and equipment improvement is obvious, the self-built production capacity is greatly increased, the product cost is further reduced, and the gross profit margin level is increased year-on-year.

Dongfang Risheng predicts that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will increase by 104.72 to 129.54 over the same period of the previous year, and it is expected to make a profit of 660 million to 740 million yuan; a profit of 322.3879 million yuan in the same period last year. The company said that compared with the same period last year, the sales of photovoltaic products increased year-on-year.

In addition, Central expects the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies to change by 97.94 to 122.69 in 2016, with a net profit of 400 million to 450 million yuan. As for the reasons for the performance changes, the company said that the gradual implementation of the project construction has continuously expanded the sales scale; at the same time, through the continuous application of new technologies, technological upgrading and automated production and manufacturing, the profitability has been continuously improved.

Rush tide brings high growth

According to new statistics released by the National Energy Administration in February, as of the end of 2016, China's new installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation was 34.54 million kilowatts, and the cumulative installed capacity was 77.42 million kilowatts. Both new and cumulative installed capacity data rank first in the world. Among them, the cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants is 67.1 GW, and the cumulative installed capacity of distributed power plants is 10.32 GW. The annual power generation capacity is 66.2 billion kWh, accounting for 1% of the total annual power generation in China.

The "Notice on Improving the On-grid Benchmarking Price Policy for Onshore Wind Power Photovoltaic Power Generation" issued in December 2015 shows that if the grid-connected power generation is not completed before June 30, 2016, the new electricity price standard will be implemented. At the end of December 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the ''Notice on Adjusting the Benchmark On-grid Electricity Price for Photovoltaic Power Onshore Wind'', requiring that after January 1, 2017, the benchmark on-grid electricity price for new photovoltaic power stations in the first to third types of resource areas will be higher than the 2016 electricity price. Further down. Affected by this, photovoltaic enterprises have opened a rush to install the boom, resulting in many enterprises to improve sales performance.


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